Banned Books Week: September 22-28

Since 1982, the American Library Association has sponsored Banned Books Week the third week of September to provide schools, colleges, universities, and public libraries resources “to bring together the entire book community in shared support of the freedom to read.” In fact, a Pittsburgh Librarian and First Amendment activist named Judith Krug came up with the idea!

We recently hosted CMU Associate Professor of English Kathy Newman on Forbes Avenue for a conversation about censorship, free speech, cancel culture, and her English Department course about Banned Books (76210). A fascinating conversation about a timely subject! (For more information: CMU’s Banned Books Project)

Listen to the Interview: Prof. Kathy Newman

Riona Duncan, host, audio editor, audio engineer, researcher
Recorded August 26, 2024; WRCT debut September 24, 2024

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