
Theater Then And Now

December 17, 2024

Recently we brought in Elizabeth Dieterich to talk about theater! She discusses early modern theater, her experiences working in professional theater companies, and what value Shakespeare still holds in the modern day.

Tune in if to hear more about early modern (and medieval!) theater, if you’re curious about the diversity of jobs that go into making theater companies work, or if you just want to know what a dramaturg actually does! It was a fascinating conversation that gave a great perspective on the world of theater and the plays you might think you know.

Listen to the interview: Elizabeth Dieterich

Riona Duncan, host, audio editor, audio engineer, researcher
Recorded November 22, 2024; WRCT debut December 17, 2024

On Language: Part 2

December 10, 2024

On November 11, 2024, we were joined by Christopher Mark Jones, Professor Emeritus of French & Francophone Studies at Carnegie Mellon University, and Marcie Persyn, Assistant Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Classics Department of The University of Pittsburgh, for a fascinating discussion of language and culture. Since the conversation went on for over an hour, we present it in two episodes of Forbes Avenue.

In Part 2 of our discussion, our conversation covers attitudes people have towards speakers of other languages and other dialects of the same language; linguistic and cultural imperialism; English as a lingua franca, and the times you can’t use it; code-switching and what it can mean; A.I. and machine translation; language and media; and the role of education in language learning. Along the way, you’ll hear how Prof. Persyn might invite you to eat, and what Prof. Jones thinks about “Robobby.”

The entire conversation is spirited and enjoyable: our guests, Prof. Jones & Prof. Persyn, provide valuable insight into how language and cultures interact with each other. Tune in! You’ll be glad you did!

Listen to the interview: Christopher Jones & Marcie Persyn, Part 2

Riona Duncan, co-host, co-researcher
Richard Gordon, co-host, co-researcher, audio engineer, audio editor
Recorded November 11, 2024; WRCT debut December 10, 2024

Kansas Founding Member Richard Williams Comes to Court

December 3, 2024

Celebrating the conclusion of Kansas‘ 50th Anniversary Fork in the Road tour at the Benedum, Wednesday, December 11th, Kansas guitarist and founding member, Richard Williams, will be joining your Rockin’ Attorney, Eric Jackson Lurie, on WRCT’s Court’s in Session, Thursday, December 5.

One of America’s most influential rock bands, fusing hard rock, southern rock and progressive rock, Kansas has commanded the radio airwaves for decades with classic hits such as “Dust in the Wind,” “Carry on My Wayward Son,” “Point of Know Return,” “Play the Game Tonight,” and many more.  Kansas credits Pittsburgh fans with helping them garner national attention! The band has always had a special relationship with their Pittsburgh fans!

Tune in to join Rich and Eric Thursday, December 5 at 8:00 p.m. EST and again for a replay on Sunday, December 8 at 10:00 p.m., right here at 88.3 FM, WRCT Pittsburgh  and streaming from

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