Forbes Avenue

Pittsburgh: City of Poets — debut episode of WRCT’s Forbes Avenue

September 10, 2024

Michelle Stoner and Lisa Alexander of Pittsburgh’s Madwomen In The Attic writing collective joined us for the debut episode of a new WRCT-produced public affairs show, Forbes Avenue.

Michelle and Lisa are both published poets, and in addition to their day jobs — CMU’s Tepper School of Business for Michelle, and Calliope House for Lisa, actively teach writing and poetry here in Pittsburgh. In fact, both shared interesting insights into how poetry and work fit together.

During our conversation, both shared some of their poetry — Michelle some of her writing from the past 10 years, and Lisa some of the poems in throttlebody, her most recent book published by Get Fresh Books on June 1, 2024. It was an engaging and thought-provoking conversation!

Listen to the interview: Michelle Stoner and Lisa Alexander

Riona Duncan, co-host, audio editor, researcher
Richard Gordon, co-host, audio engineer, researcher
Recorded May 7, 2024; WRCT debut September 10, 2024

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